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Python OAuth2 API Request Example


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Python OAuth2.0 APIRequest Example

This file is a working example of how you can request an access token from your tenants access token url and use that token to make an API request.

Be sure to update the sections in the script file like this: << SAAK value from .ionapi >> to use your credentials from the .ionapi file you downloaded when you created a backend service.

Replace the values in the script that begin and end with << >>

###  Step 1 - Define auth URL, Endpoint URL, Payload and Credentials  ###

# PU + OT - Replace with your tenants token URL
token_url = "<< REPLACE WITH YOUR TENANT >>/as/token.oauth2"

# Endpoint URL - Can get from swagger documentation in IONAPI - Replace with your tenants API URL
test_api_url = "<< REPLACE WITH YOUR TENANT >>/SX/rest/serviceinterface/proxy/FetchWhere"

# IONAPI Request - Replace payload with your own request
payload = """{
          "CompanyNumber": << YOUR CONO >>,
          "Operator": "<< YOUR SASO USERID >>",
          "TableName": "<< TABLE TO QUERY >>",
          "WhereClause": "",
          "BatchSize": 0,
          "RestartRowID": ""

Running the script:

  1. Update the sections mentioned above
  2. In your python interpreter type: python
  3. If you get module not found errors, ensure you have the requests and urllib3 libraries installed and/or your environment is setup correctly.
  4. You can install the required libraries bu running pip install << required library >>

If you have any trouble running the script, feel free to contact us at: